Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Atilla The Hun

Atilla the Hun was th ruler of the huns from 434 until his death in 453. He was the leader of the Hunnic Empire that streched from Germany to the Ural River From the Danube River to the Baltic Sea. He was a ruthless leader and very much feared.The Roman Empire considered him their highest and most dangerous threat. he was known for sensless killings,and for leaving devistation on on the face of victoms.

On the subject of evil you could also talk about the Crucible. Theres something thats very dark and eary in the story. take the girl named Abigal for instance. She once said "I danced for the devil,I saw him,I wrote his book." That right there shows how something evil can posses a person. She saying that she worked with the devil and shared in his evilness.
Muammar Gaddafi would be considered today as evil, he was a traitor to america, and ended up killing his own people during his times of being dictator.
he is now being attacked by American forces, and is being surrounded.
Muammar Gaddafi was an ally of America, America had funded him to help him build his own country, when he became dictator of his own country, he had a lust for more power. He was in power for 42 years.

My modern day example of evil is Saddam Hussein. Everybody knows who he is. He is responsible for over 200,000 civilian deaths in Iraq alone. He's the reason the U.S. went to war with Iraq. He was eventually captured and executed on December 30, 2006. He dictated the Iraqi people for decades. He is also the reason for the Gulf War in the early 90s. This man was destined to do evil from the very minute he stepped into power.

Salem, Massachussettes was not quite as evil as Saddam Hussein and his ridiculous campaign but The Crucible helps to demonstrate how dangerous it was. "She comes to me every night to go and drink blood." Now thats something that just demonstrates evil. People were getting accused and executed in large numbers routinely; kind of like what happened in Iraq. The Crucible is just as bad because they were all innocent just like the civilians from Iraq. Evil is demonstrated all around us, but these are two big sources that can compare to eachother in several ways and they're both horrible incidents of unnecessary mann slaughter.

Tech N9ne is nuts!

I believe if somebody has characteristics such as Tech N9nes' creative lyrics in his songs like:
"Threw her in the trunk
Was tryin to smash
Get her cash
But her mouth was hella fast
So I threw her ass (in the trunk)
And even though she had a big plump rump
I threw her in an let the beat bump (threw her in the trunk) "

......then they probably have something evil in their mind that makes them come up with rhymes like this. Tech's raps are sick but they make him seem crazy. He definitely has issues but unlike his rapper friend Brotha Lynch Hung, Tech does have songs that have sentimental value. Some songs like 'The Rain' talks about his kids and his family and how fame affects his personal life.

I think Brotha Lynch Hung is way more evil then Tech N9ne just because he raps about killing people while Tech focuses on flowing the right words together as fast as he can to make a sick track. Tech raps about real shit for the most part but Brotha Lynch is always on crazy shhh. lol

Taste Evil

Adulf Hitler,was one of ther most evil diabolic person that has lived in the pace of the earth besides few other pople out there.As he tried to rule over the world by creating the perfect race,he wrote a book sayign the things he would do and the actions he will take,tho no one really listened and believed him.

Hitler had failed to rule over the world,tho he still hurted many jews and if you didnt had blonde hair blue eyes you where out and sent to the concentrate camps,he had sent many women man children rich poor to the gas chambers and to the concentration camps.

As willing to fail on his ruling plans,he had no apriciation in life whats however he killed innocent kids older women mothers normal people to him they where nothing and no one tho his actions where evil i also think his mind and sould where as he tried making the world perfect on his comand epic fail he had commited suicide as his plans failed and people where looking for him after all ther bad things he had done in the world.

As people before use to drink blood to kill some one.Hitler just said one to 2 words to kill and entire family at once.

Mr. Happy

"Child, you are certain this be your natural memory? May it be, perhaps, that someone conjures you even now to say this?" -Hale. Hale is talking about Mary being corrupted by the devil and his evil ways. Even when we all have free will the choices we make could be good or bad. We could choose to kill or love, break hearts or mend them, yell or sing. But remember our choices have consequences.

Insane Clown Posse has a lot of evil characteristics. With the way they talk in their lyrics and they way they live their lives. For example "Ill twist and squeeze your neck like a wet noodle, cuz I'm so happy ill stab your ass, and lay down next to on the grass and sing, oh, it feels so good every time i murder i get happy". They talk about murding people and being happy about it. The rappers of ICP were in poverty and had difficult home lives so they found a way to express themselves by writing songs. I think its the choice to look at their lives bad and then it started building up more and more. From my experience i know how hard it is to forget evil when you have been consumed in it for so long.

Does your environment influence your behavior?

The Excorcism of Emily Rose is evil because it is showing people possesed by the Devil. I honestly don't think that it's christian like to try and take the devil out of somebody.I don't think that it's real and I don't like the fact that people actually believe that the devil could be in someone's body physically controlling them. In Salem people believe that the devil are making people do things and that people who are being controlled by the devil are controlling other people and making them do things that are not considered holy.

Another thing is that when people believe that certaint things are happenning they begin to do things they normally wouldn't do. People in Salem are pretending to be possesed because if they don't pretend that they were possed then pretend that they were all of a sudden saved and turned christian again then they would be hang. This shows that their environment got them in trouble for being accused and they had to get themselves out of trouble by pretending that they were possesed. I don't believe in any of that because it's wrong and there is no real proof that people can be posssed by the devil and become evil.

evil or not

Rich people are evil the reason why i say that because they do certain action that show evil in them. the things that they do that show evil is treat people that not in their class bad or make fun of poor people because they dont have the money they do. they also think they to good to give to people that need help they just care for they sevle.

the people in salem are evil to me. the reaon i say that is because they wanted people to get hang. abigail wanted ms.procter to die because she thought she was evil and had powers. to me abigail is the evil one because she want to take some ones life over false info.

The Case Against Religion in Society

"Proctor, I cannot think God be provoked so grandly by such a petty cause. The jails are packed-our greatest judges sit in Salem now-and hangin's promised. Man, we must look to cause proportionate. Were there murder done, perhaps, and never brought to light? Abomination? Some secret blasphemy that stinks to heaven? Think on cause, man, and let you help me to discover it. For there's your way, believe it, there is your only way, when such confusion strikes upon the world. Let you counsel among yourselves; think on your village and what may have drawn from heaven such thundering wrath upon you all. I shall pray God open up your eyes." (Hale 205)

The evil I see from this quote is that Hale thinks it upon himself to judge others' faith even though he consistently claims that that is not his place. He chastises Proctor for not having good Christian character and his house for not housing enough "Holy" charms. He feels that because he came all the way to Salem from Beverley that he must have a good purpose and as such he must find evil or witchcraft somewhere in the village. His blind hunt leads him to falsely accuse good people, ostracize townsfolk, like the Nurses, Proctors, and Tituba, and go on a hunt to kill those that don't confess to a crime they never committed. Hale cannot stand ideas different from his own and he feels that he must compensate through hard discipline and Christian Zealotry.

I find this to be evil because in American society we have religious freedom but it seems as though the only religions that can preach and practice freely are Christians, Jews, and some times more spiritual beliefs like Paganism and Buddhism. I feel that when pressured to answer what our faith is we have to come up with a label to identify ourselves as and when we come up with an answer the others don't like they shun us from society or incessantly put our ideas down as false. To an Atheist, having no belief is just as valid as having one. For people to defend themselves by attacking others is wrong and we should just allow others to freely believe and practice what they want without forcing it upon others or fearing actions or reactions from others.

An Endless Battle

Good and evil have become famous because of the Bible - God's will being good, and evil being against it. In the town of Salem this notion was more potent and accepted than in today's society; nobody wants to be the intolerant one now. But an interesting idea is introduced in The Crucible by John Proctor: "I wish you had some evil in you so you might know me!" (p. 220). It seems as though he's suggesting, maybe for the first time, that evil can exist in anyone. Francis, to whom Proctor was talking, probably wasn't the perfect example of a Puritan, but then again, a lot of Puritans seem to have either ignored or subconsciously rejected any thought of themselves being evil. So from that, Proctor finds it hard to get the people of the court to relate to him and understand his story.

As many people today are adamant on equality, they often forget what they're trying to preach to everyone else: there is no cookie-cutter human. The same perfect person cannot be manufactured, and no living human can expect to fully fit into that sharp image. Protesters against racism often find themselves developing a hatred for people who were raised to belittle minorities. In Salem, the accusation of witchcraft became a weapon. Terms like 'homophobic' or 'narrow-minded' are used very similarly now. The suggestion that there was pure evil in Salem is a far fetched one, but the idea of evil spreading thin, maybe even transparent, enough to cover all its citizens wouldn't be too far off.

The Crucible Blog Post #2: Evil

In your final writing assignment for The Crucible, focus on the theme of evil. In a detailed two-paragraph post, discuss something or someone from today's society that you would a) consider evil, or b) others may consider evil, though you believe it's misunderstood/mislabeled. Use your Google and your noodle. In addition, compare this present day example to the "evil" that may or may not have been present in Salem (be specific - mention characters!) during the events of the play. Be sure to include a creative yet appropriate title, a suitable picture, a link to an outside web site, and a quote from the play. Questions to get you thinking:
  • Can a person be completely evil? Or is it just that their actions are evil? Or their mind?
  • Who, if anyone, was evil in Salem, in your opinion? Explain your position.
  • Do people commit evil acts of their own will or does their environment influence them?
  • Why was Danforth so sure that Proctor was evil when he was just trying to tell the truth?
  • Does evil exist in our world today? How is it different from how it seemed to pervade in Salem?
Don't forget to put your initials in the 'Labels' section before you publish your post!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Alcohol and impulsive behaviors.

In The Crucible the characters are so stuck on the religious aspect in their lives that they let it consume their whole lives. As soon as one person gets accused of being a witch, everyone points the finger at whoever seems to be acting weird in any way. Its funny how they think they're all pure when really they arent civilized enough to understand what purity means.

Like in The Crucible, alcohol is a huge role in teens lives these days. They let it consume their lives in ways similar to how religion affected the people of Salem. Alcohol makes people make poor decisions based on impulses like witchcraft did back then.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Crucible and government

How the crucible puritanism relates to modern day puritism is the laws that they pass down and the religon today, for example christianity wants to be pure and perfect and wants you to not break what you belive in. Being christian means you don't smoke, don't do crime, don't break the law, and dress proper. It almost applies the same with modern day government, as long as you don't smoke, don't break the law for any reason you won't be put in jail.

In the Crucible, if you broke the law you would be put to death by the hands of their own government. The same rules of the government applied the same as there religon back then, but if there was dancing, rituals, or even anything that they thought had to do with the devil, and not being pure, you would be put to death.


The goverment of the U.S has had lied their pople from big lies to little lies,though they always try to cover up their guilt in other people they have think they are always right when they actually had done wrong not saying everyone is guilty but so far from what ive seen things dont get any better wars ,scam's cover ups you nqme it they they had done it.

as the U.S government wants to take control about enything from nucler weapons to a simple dime bag of pot,they think by been strict bout situations like that everything will go ok around them though they dont care about poeples situations as long as they get what they want they act like nothing ever happened or simple as that they blame it on some one else like if they were still childs from elemntry school,though power makes poeple go crazy the government wants to be as powerfull as it can get even more though they see they do nothing but hurt their own people to their problems,as every problem happens there will always be a consecuence,we had seen so many promisses from every president though none had done nothing but hurt the country with their stupidity but who are we?to them we are no one but citizens that just fallow qas we cant do nothign bout it they always get it their way i guess the love burger king cause they always have it their way.

Crucible vs. Blood Diamond

A modern day example of The Crucible is Blood Diamond. Some of the citizens got tired of listening to the corrupt government so they decided to abandone it. They abandoned their government and tried to take their own country into their own hands. They tried to take over all the trade buisness, all the work force buisness, they tried to take the whole thing. They formed a rebelion. Thousands of people died, even more were forced to dig for diamonds at gun point. Thousands lost their homes. It lasted for several years. It ruined Sierra Leonne and many other countries in Africa. That's how it was in Salem, Massachussettes in the 1600s. Everything was so strict that kids had to get away, they had to go out and dance in the woods, they had to break away from the rules and laws and their whole community just to have fun. Then they were accused of witch craft. And all those accusations ruined Salem.

Puritanism of The Crucible compared to modern Day School

In the play people try really hard to be perfect that they become stressed and have a break down.Today people tend to try so hard to have straight a's that they start to stress themselves and they become tired and they might drop out of school or just give up after all the hard work they did.

Another thing is that in the play the people try to point the finger at other people, this is also true today because when people become stressed and their grades start to slip they blame it on home or family problems even if they know it wasn't that bad they just don't want to admit that they didn't work hard in the end to achieve their goal. When people act bad in The Crucible the priest called them witches or say that they have been possesed by the devil so they get punished.Today when kids grades slip they have to face their parents and they also get punished.Either way trying to b perfect can have many different outcomes and even though they aren't as harsh any more the outcome of getting in trouble still exists.

The purest of them all.

People in our modern day society have rules and traditions that they have followed for centuries. Just like in the cruciable where they follow the bible exactly, Upper middle class families do also. Raised in a upper middle class family, i always have had rules to follow, like "treat people with respect, don't have sex before you are married so you can be pure for your husband, and do the best you can whenever and whereever!" These are rules that have led my life and formed who i am today. Until i fell into temptation and peer pressure about 4 years ago.

In my situation even with me living the perfect life, sin got ahold of my heart with the worlds help. The world corrupted me and I learn so many other rules and traditions, I lost sight of what I cared so much about in the begining. I have lost respect from friends and family because of these bad choices. Suprisingly i have found the courage to go back to the old me that made good decisions. Many people would disagree with alot of what my family has tought me but i believe it is the best way to stay happy, healthy and safe.

So called perfect

Is it possible to be completely pure or perfect?

To me it can be possible to be perfect. But the question is how long can somebody be perfect for ? Try to be to perfect will mess up your mind and having you losing your mind. Everybody can be the best person they can be but kno one is perfect.

The mondern day!!!!

Today as i type this everybody try and be the best that they can be. The people that try and be perfect is sometimes mess up by the influnce of their's friends. To the people that are so called perfect that did something or said something that make them just a reagular person. The kids that don't want to live a bad life are influnced by gang members or people that just do bad things.

Being Perfect

In The Crucible, the obsession with purity and necessity to be a perfect, whole community becomes an ugly source of blame and possible death. Today's teenagers are much the same. Depending on the region, "normalcy" usually calls for being comfortable in one's own skin, being able to break the law without being caught, or having the same sexual orientation as everyone else. Where one would accuse someone of witchcraft in the play, one out a group of friends might start a rumor or talk the others into being against them. There aren't specific "rules" for the perfect normal teenager, but a lot of girls and boys find themselves going through misery just to look good for their peers.

Reverend Hale said, "What victory would the Devil have to win a soul already bad? It is the best the Devil wants..." (p. 186) And there is some truth to that; in most cases, the one being accused is the one who was supposed to be perfect. For example, the pretty girl friend is accused of being anorexic out of jealousy for her figure. The other friends begin to believe this, as anyone would - people are drawn to negative conclusions more easily than positive ones. In a puritan society, and today's society with puritan roots, a community as small and close as Salem will soon fall apart in attempt to be as perfect as their God.

The Crucible Blog Post #1: Puritanism/Purity

 The first act of The Crucible shows us a town whose Puritan residents believe in being absolutely pure and perfect Christians. Of course this doesn't actually mean they are pure or perfect. Your job is to write a detailed 2-paragraph blog post comparing the events and characters of The Crucible thus far to a modern day example of a type of person that attempts to be pure and/or perfect. Besides religion, think of other ways people define or group themselves and try to achieve a flawless or ideal lifestyle. Use your Google and your noodle and include a link to a page that helped you come up with your connection. Also include a quote from The Crucible (with page number and character cited) to back up your opinion as well as a picture, a creative title, and your initials in the 'Labels' section. Consider the questions below when writing your two paragraphs:
  • Is it possible to be completely pure or perfect? Why did the Puritans think this was possible?
  • What happens when one person in a tightly knit community does something wrong? Does it affect the group as a whole?
  • Do people end up doing wrong because they've been forced to act such a conservative lifestyle? Explain.
  • Why are people in this type of community so quick to accuse others of doing wrong or going against their lifestyle? 
Stuck? Do not hesitate to ask me for help! Check the board for login/password info.