Friday, April 15, 2011

The Crucible Blog Post #1: Puritanism/Purity

 The first act of The Crucible shows us a town whose Puritan residents believe in being absolutely pure and perfect Christians. Of course this doesn't actually mean they are pure or perfect. Your job is to write a detailed 2-paragraph blog post comparing the events and characters of The Crucible thus far to a modern day example of a type of person that attempts to be pure and/or perfect. Besides religion, think of other ways people define or group themselves and try to achieve a flawless or ideal lifestyle. Use your Google and your noodle and include a link to a page that helped you come up with your connection. Also include a quote from The Crucible (with page number and character cited) to back up your opinion as well as a picture, a creative title, and your initials in the 'Labels' section. Consider the questions below when writing your two paragraphs:
  • Is it possible to be completely pure or perfect? Why did the Puritans think this was possible?
  • What happens when one person in a tightly knit community does something wrong? Does it affect the group as a whole?
  • Do people end up doing wrong because they've been forced to act such a conservative lifestyle? Explain.
  • Why are people in this type of community so quick to accuse others of doing wrong or going against their lifestyle? 
Stuck? Do not hesitate to ask me for help! Check the board for login/password info.