People in our modern day society have rules and traditions that they have followed for centuries. Just like in the cruciable where they follow the bible exactly, Upper middle class families do also. Raised in a upper middle class family, i always have had rules to follow, like "treat people with respect, don't have sex before you are married so you can be pure for your husband, and do the best you can whenever and whereever!" These are rules that have led my life and formed who i am today. Until i fell into temptation and peer pressure about 4 years ago.
In my situation even with me living the perfect life, sin got ahold of my heart with the worlds help. The world corrupted me and I learn so many other rules and traditions, I lost sight of what I cared so much about in the begining. I have lost respect from friends and family because of these bad choices. Suprisingly i have found the courage to go back to the old me that made good decisions. Many people would disagree with alot of what my family has tought me but i believe it is the best way to stay happy, healthy and safe.