Friday, April 15, 2011

Crucible vs. Blood Diamond

A modern day example of The Crucible is Blood Diamond. Some of the citizens got tired of listening to the corrupt government so they decided to abandone it. They abandoned their government and tried to take their own country into their own hands. They tried to take over all the trade buisness, all the work force buisness, they tried to take the whole thing. They formed a rebelion. Thousands of people died, even more were forced to dig for diamonds at gun point. Thousands lost their homes. It lasted for several years. It ruined Sierra Leonne and many other countries in Africa. That's how it was in Salem, Massachussettes in the 1600s. Everything was so strict that kids had to get away, they had to go out and dance in the woods, they had to break away from the rules and laws and their whole community just to have fun. Then they were accused of witch craft. And all those accusations ruined Salem.