The song I chose about the american dream is "Farmers Dauter". The reason I chose this song is because I love contry first off. The second reason I did this is because it pritty much explains that if you want the amreican dream.Then you need to work one sentince I like is "In the middle of the night i snuck her back to home and started work, I was on the trackter she was on my mind and I cant wait tell quittin time". This just about perfectly explains the amreican dream.
The way this goes with Gaspys book is because they not only needed to have money to invest to get more. But they had to work for every penny. Now a days we dont do nothing like that and we get allot of stuff just handed to us. But the one time you accually work for something and its yours you will understand that all the energy you put into it was worth it.
I think the american dream is very true and a very good thing. Think about it you can do whaterver you want. or like anything you would like too. You can have everything you would ever desire if your not to lazzy to go do the work. Just remember when your done working for that money and you spend it on something you want like a car. It is an american dream come true and you will be very proud that you can call it yours.