Here's the second set of vocab for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. You may leave a comment here to earn points - just use a word correctly in a sentence of your creation.
Geriatric = of or pertaining to people of old/elderly age
"You'll get him a uniform this instant, Mr. Washington, or spend two weeks working on Geriatrics Ward!" (p. 89)
Maudlin = tearfully or weakly emotional
"Anyway, to put an end to this maudlin display of nostalgia, in the course of our conversation McMurphy and I wondered what would be the attitude toward a carnival?" (p. 97)
Lien = the right to keep another person's property until a debt owed is paid
"The guys all go to signing liens at once; he's beat them so many times at poker and blackjack they can't wait to get back at him, and this is a certain sure thing." (p. 110)
Recrimination = a countercharge against an accuser
"If somebody'd come in and take a look, a fifty-year-old woman hollering and squealing at the back of their heads about discipline and order and recriminations, they'd of thought the whole bunch was crazy as loons." (p. 128)
Curtail = to cut short
"If you'll curtail your literary pursuits a moment I'll introduce you to my counterpart and Nemesis..." (p. 153)